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Exam success for Walker Foster apprentices

Aug 30, 2023

Congratulations to two of our current apprentices, Emily Throup and Lily Holmes (Legal Assistants in our Conveyancing Team)

Congratulations to two of our current apprentices, Emily Throup and Lily Holmes (Legal Assistants in our Conveyancing Team) who have recently passed assignments in the English Legal System and Contract Law, meaning they are part way through their Level 4 Conveyancing Technician Apprenticeships.

And also to Sarah Allen, Legal Assistant in our Wills & Probate Department, who passed her “Foundations in Law and Professional Practice” module towards her CILEX Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship earlier in the Summer.

Thousands of students across the country received their A-Level results last week, with the top grades seeing a drop from the previous year.

Whilst many are fighting for university spots, others are opting to go straight into the working world as Apprentices.

Our Head of People, Kelly Chambers, said:

“We recognise and value our team here for their everyday hard work ethic and contribution, not for the exam grades they got when they were at school.

“So if any school pupils are either disappointed with their results, or thinking about what to do next, they should feel reassured that nowadays university isn’t everything, and certainly doesn’t have to be the only option.

“Here at Walker Foster, we have a number of our team going through Apprenticeship programmes, in order to qualify as Paralegals, Licensed Conveyancers and Solicitors.

“The Apprenticeships offer a practical route for our colleagues to learn, and gain valuable qualifications, whilst developing their workplace skills and experience. Not to mention the fact they can be earning at the same time rather than building up student debts.”

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