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Effective Estate Planning Delivers IHT Relief

Case Study

Walker Foster assisted a farmer in estate planning to avoid a significant Inheritance Tax (IHT) bill. By taking advantage of the available tax relief and exemptions, we guaranteed no IHT liability upon the client's death, securing his family's financial future.

The Challenges

Our client, a farmer owning a farmhouse and several parcels of working land, faced a complex estate planning situation. His assets qualified for 100% Agricultural Relief (AR), formerly known as Agricultural Property Relief (APR). However, his current will left everything to his wife, who was in the early stages of dementia and unable to assist on the farm. This situation risked losing AR benefits, potentially resulting in a large IHT bill.

Our client’s primary concern was to ensure his sons, who worked on the farm, benefited from the estate while adequately providing for his wife's needs. Without proper planning, his wife’s inheritance could have led to significant IHT liabilities, which is why he sought Walker Foster's expertise to solve these problems and optimise his estate planning.

How Walker Foster Helped

We provided a thorough estate planning solution to address our client's concerns. Our strategic approach involved several key steps and recommendations:

  • Transferring assets that qualify for AR and Business Relief (BR) to his sons, ensuring they benefited from 100% tax exemptions.
  • Setting up a discretionary trust for the available Nil Rate Band (£325,000) to support his wife, with his sons as ultimate beneficiaries. This trust acts as a financial safety net for his wife while reducing potential IHT liabilities.
  • Collaborating with the client's accountant to confirm the AR and BR benefits, ensuring a robust and tax-efficient estate plan.

In doing so, we provided a clear and effective strategy for protecting the client’s assets and minimising tax liabilities.

The Outcome

The new will ensured that there would be no IHT due. His sons would inherit the farm and assets qualifying for AR and BR, ensuring these valuable tax exemptions were preserved.

This strategic planning provided significant financial benefits, reducing the potential tax burden on his wife’s estate. Additionally, the discretionary trust safeguarded funds from third party claims, offering peace of mind. Overall, the estate plan secured the family's future and optimised tax efficiency, reflecting the client's wishes and priorities.

Contact Us

Estate planning is an important part of the will-making process. It could result in a huge IHT saving, making things easier for the family members left behind and potentially avoiding any disputes due to uncertainty.

Walker Foster is here to help you with comprehensive estate planning solutions. Contact our Wills & Trusts team today for personalised advice - you can do so by filling out our contact form below.

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