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Charity Secures Order For Possession

Case Study

Walker Foster’s Dispute Resolution and Litigation team has helped a charity that offers help to visually impaired veterans secure an order for possession of a property from its tenants.

The Challenges

The charity client was denied access to their property when their tenants refused to vacate, and sought accelerated possession of the property, but the tenants defended their entitlement to remain. An appointment was listed in the County Court at Taunton, and the charity sought urgent legal advice just 14 days before the hearing for possession.

How Walker Foster Helped

The charity is an established client of Walker Foster. Urgent advice was offered on accelerated claims for possession and the merits of the defence filed.

Using our network of contacts, Walker Foster sourced an appropriate barrister in the South West to advocate on behalf of the charity landlord. The tenants alleged that the charity was seeking a retaliatory eviction, and that the property needed improvements that the charity had failed to address. The local county council refused, however, to issue an improvement notice.

Specialist legal representation was needed at short notice to represent the charity client. Despite this involved legal argument, we were able to secure an order for possession for the charity client. The assets of the charity had been preserved, allowing them to continue to deliver their objectives to visually impaired veterans.

The Outcome

Walker Foster added value to the charity client by sharing its knowledge and expertise and by recognising the need for specialist legal representation, utilising contacts acquired through many years’ experience. The client was kept informed throughout the whole process, and Walker Foster ensured that the matter was dealt with within the tight timescale that was available.

The involvement from Walker Foster meant that the charity could focus on the work that they needed to do, assured that matters were being dealt with professionally and within the timescale they needed. Walker Foster worked quickly and efficiently, and offered cost estimates so that the charity could budget for the representation that was required.

If you, or someone you know, is in a situation where tenants are not vacating a property that you own, then please get in touch with our Dispute Resolution and Litigation team to secure the same outcome as our charity clients above.

On the other hand, if you have any other issues that may include family disputes or purchasing a property, then please look at other case studies that can show you we are the law firm for you.

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