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Walker Foster Solicitors raise more than £5,500 for Will Aid

Oct 4, 2011

Walker Foster Solicitors has participated in the Will Aid scheme since 2009

Will Aid clients were offered a basic Will and asked to make a donation instead of paying the firm’s usual fees. The money raised is shared by Actionaid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF, Sightsavers and Trocaire.
Walker Foster Solicitors has participated in the Will Aid scheme since 2009 and this year’s fantastic result brings their grand total to over £12,500. The funds raised are being put to work by the Will Aid charities to make a real and immediate difference to the lives of the people in need in the UK and all over the world.

Peter Walker, Partner, commented on the success of the campaign:

“We are delighted that we and our clients have made a significant contribution towards the Will Aid charities and are pleased that our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Whilst this presentation is unnecessary the recognition is gratefully received.”

Peter WalkerParnter

Will Aid Campaign Manager , Shirley Marsland, said:

“This is such great news! The Will Aid charities are so grateful for the generosity and hard work of the team at Walker Foster Solicitors. This has been the most successful campaign to date and overall we expect to raise over £2 million. The Will Aid charities will be able to put the money raised to immediate use.”

Shirley MarslandWill Aid Campaign Manager

Christian Aid’s Legacy Officer, Ruth Tormey, visited the firm to present their Will Aid certificate and said:

“The support of Walker Foster Solicitors is greatly appreciated by Christian Aid. Will Aid is very important to Christian Aid as not only do we receive a significant amount in donations but the campaign also provides an opportunity for people to leave Christian Aid a legacy. Legacy gifts are crucial in enabling our work to eradicate poverty and change the systems and structures which cause it. Legacies of all sizes are incredibly valuable to Christian Aid – last year our income from legacies could have more than paid for all our work in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Ruth Tormey
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