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North Yorkshire Special Olympics Charity

May 10, 2018

We are very pleased to be supporting through donation, the North Yorkshire Special Olympics charity.

The North Yorkshire Special Olympics charity do an amazing job in providing a lifetime of learning through sport which benefits individuals of all ages and ability levels – from those with low motor abilities to highly skilled athletes.

The charity was formed in 1978 as part of the global Special Olympics movement.
Special Olympics Great Britain has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people through sport. There are currently 150 Special Olympics clubs in Great Britain, run by over 3,000 volunteers, and involving 8,000 athletes who benefit from their sports programme.

They are a recognised member of the Olympic family with a unique role to play. The Paralympics provides sports competitions for elite level disabled athletes with physical and sensory disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, while Special Olympics fosters community sport year-round at all levels for those with intellectual disabilities.

Head of Marketing and Business Development at Walker Foster, Liz Scott said:  “We hope our donation will help the charity to continue this very worthwhile work and to grow so that more people will benefit from the skills which the charity’s work clearly provides.

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