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Help with Mediation

May 25, 2012

Mediation is a more structured method than simply negotiating settlement of a dispute. It is assisted negotiation.

A mediator facilitates the process but it is the parties and not the mediator that decide the outcome. It has a high record of success and the process allows the parties to maintain control of decisions and outcomes while also providing solutions that a court cannot. If agreement is reached, it is binding.

Luca Angarano is an accredited mediator. We offer a service advising upon the process of mediation and what you can expect and help you prepare for the mediation meeting. We will also attend with you if required to provide relevant legal advice and draw up the settlement agreement at the conclusion of the mediation.

Call us on 0333 358 3581 or get in touch via email if you are in dispute, facing litigation or in litigation. It could save you time, money and anxiety. – Luca Angarano

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